Sugar Dog Stories – Peek-A-Boo

Our sweet Peek-A-Boo isn’t only a Sugar Dog, she’s also a therapy dog!  She has taken many obedience classes and is an AKC Canine Good Citizen.

Nancy’s Sugar Dog Peek-A-Boo 4-30-2011

Nancy’s Sugar Dog Peek-A-Boo 1-18-2013

Therapy Dog & Sugar Dog

Nancy’s Sugar Dog Peek-A-Boo 5-3-2013 visiting with friend at card game

Nancy & PeekABoo 2013-05-03 visiting with friend at their community’s card game, where Peek-A-Boo was a great therapy dog for everyone.

Nancy has relocated to New Hampshire to a horse farm that does rescue work.  Go Nancy!  Go Sugar Dogs Go!  We are proud of you and your sweet Peek-A-Boo, and your many good works.

Love always,

Paula & Sugar Dogs International

(Peek-A-Boo was John’s Sugar Dog for many years until John’s passing.  John and Nancy served Sugar Dogs International in many capacities for many years in Florida.  From helping serve food to diabetics at JDRF events, to ice cream socials at Publix, to Sugar Dogs presentations at hospitals, medical facilities and dog day events, all the while passing out Sugar Dogs brochures with their gorgeous Peek-A-Boo, who won many prestigious doggie beauty contests.  John was a great Sugar Dog handler and we are proud of his wife Nancy for learning the training method herself and continuing John’s work with Peek-A-Boo.  Nancy is one really beautiful lady and we are blessed with her continued friendship.)